10 Cute Chalk Art Paintings By David Zinn

Street Art by happiness maker David ZiInn

10 of David Zinn’s latest chalk art futured in Cute Street Art. Follow David Zinn on Instagram: @davidzinn, to curate your feed with more great art.

More: Street Art by Happiness Maker David Zinn (21 Photos)

Lennie is available to be the elephant in your room.

Ronan and Pete are definitely not up to anything, but they would like to know if you have a compass they could borrow. 

The more she heard about the plans for the experiment, the more Clara wished she had stayed in the living room.

Nadine and the Box Fort Challenge.

Bernice lay quietly, hoping the ants wouldn’t discover the lollipop hidden under her snout.

Daisy’s maxim: sleep through the showers, wake up to flowers.

Eugene has eluded many a titmouse with a little creative tufting of his own.

Moriko emerges after graduations and anniversaries to add to her bouquet of forgotten flowers.

Optimism tip: Always poke some holes in the lid so your impossibilities can breathe.

David Zinn is an artist from Michigan. He runs around all day in the streets of Ann Arbor, with street construction, cracks, etc. on the road with chalk to create a lot of street fairy tales.

More: Discover David Zinn’s Latest Chalk Art Masterpieces in Michigan

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