The Incredible Ocean Statue of Neptune (Poseidon) in Gran Canaria, Spain

Multiple views of the Neptune Poseidon statue in Gran Canaria, Spain, showcasing its interaction with the sea.

In the beautiful waters off Gran Canaria, Spain, stands a stunning statue of Neptune (Poseidon), crafted by the talented sculptor Luis Arencibia.

This impressive piece of art captures the majestic presence of the god of the sea, adding a mythical charm to the island’s coastline.

Wiki: Born in Telde, Gran Canaria, he was the son of the muralist José Arencibia Gil (1914–1968). He moved to Madrid to pursue higher studies in Philosophy and Theology, and established his residence in Leganés, a town south of the capital. In the 1970s he took part in the opposition movement to the dictatorship: he was a clandestine member of the Organización Revolucionaria de Trabajadores, the Partido Socialista Obrero Español, and finally the Partido Comunista de España in Leganés, of which he was a member from 1975 to 1986.3 He was also a member of the Comisiones Obreras trade union.

Greece High Definition: Sculptor Luis Arencibia carries the sea in his piercing stare, as did poet Rafael Alberti. The Atlantic glint in his eye has an explanation and an origin. As a boy, the artist used to swim out to the point of volcanic rock that poked out over the sea on the south side of Melenara Beach, in Telde (Gran Canaria). Many years later, Arencibia would create a four metre high bronze sculpture of Neptune that still towers over the area to this day, and which allows the lord of the seas to look out over his kingdom from his watch tower.

The story of the sculptor who elevated the king of the seas onto this stone throne on the water’s surface demonstrates just how each place possesses its own particular biography. In this case, the Melenara Beach can rightly boast of being a place for tranquil people, of still waters and a preaceful environment. The same tale is written daily on the fine sand of mostly volcanic origin along the coast of Telde, a coastline in which the sun is nearly an ever-present, illuminating upon a scenario of happy tales.

What do you think of this incredible statue?

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