Peace in the Clouds: Eduardo Kobra’s Inspiring Mural in São Paulo

Explore this beautiful mural by renowned street artist Eduardo Kobra, where he transforms a simple wall in São Paulo into a beacon of peace and hope. This stunning mural features a young girl spraying the hippie peace symbol onto the clouds.

Eduardo Kobra, a celebrated Brazilian muralist, is known for his vibrant colors, bold designs, and social messages. His works often address themes of peace, unity, and cultural diversity. Kobra created this mural to promote peace and hope amidst global conflicts. His message is clear: despite the turmoil, we must never lose hope for a better future.

  • Location: R. Vilela / R. Platina, Tatuapé, São Paulo, Brazil

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Photo by Alcindo Filho

Eduardo Kobra: In times of so many conflicts, it is increasingly urgent to build peace. In the neighborhood of Tatuapé, in São Paulo, I made this simple image in order to convey an important message: we cannot lose hope that one day we will live in a world without wars, with humanity united in search of a better future for all. Do you believe that this will one day be possible? In times of so many conflicts, it is increasingly urgent to build peace. In the neighborhood of Tatuapé, in São Paulo, Brazil. I made this simple image with conveying an important message: we cannot lose hope of one day living in a world without wars, with humanity united in search of a better future for all. Do you believe that this will one day be possible?

More by Eduardo Kobra on Street Art Utopia.

Photo by Alcindo Filho
Photo by Revista do Tatuapé
Photo by Alcindo Filho

What do you think of Kobra’s mural? Share your thoughts and favorite pieces in the comments below!

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